What Is Feeling At Home?

The meaning of 'feeling at home' is an interesting topic. It is a sense that we have, for me a bodily experience, coupled with feelings of ease, comfort and calmness. The following article will discuss the notion of feeling at home, going home, being home, etc and explore it in more depth.

Being at home - feeling at home


Most people have 'a home' where they have most of their belongings, their family, their things - it is usually coupled with the physical address that people use. It does not necessarily mean that you simultaneously have the feeling. Personally I have moved various times, two times I moved continents and various times within the same country. Even though I had a new house, where all my things and belongings were stored, the sense of 'feeling at home' only came later.

What Is Feeling At Home?

Somewhere else

Some times when you visit people they invite you to 'feel at home' at their place. This statement makes it obvious that, for some people, it is possible to get this sense, even when they are somewhere else or in someone else's house.

You might even have the experience when you are on holiday somewhere and the place or area feels strangely familiar. When a friend of mine for example arrived in Tasmania for the first time she said: 'It felt like I arrived home'. She moved there later.


This sense of familiarity might occur due to obvious similarity with your country of origin or with the energy of a place you love. In any case I believe there must be a connection with something that has a high value for you, either on a visual, emotional or spiritual level. This connection is often remembered instantly and the sense of 'feeling at home' settles in.

Creating a sense of 'feeling at home'

Even if there is no previous familiarity this sense will settle in after a certain time, which will vary for different people if the conditions are right. What I mean by that is that certain criteria need to be present that are of value to a person. Personally for me I need light, a relaxed atmosphere and a clean space as some of the criteria to feel at home.

Create it yourself!

To find out what constitutes your own personal recipe of 'feeling at home', ask yourself: In the places I feel comfortable (at present or in the past), what are the common denominators? Write down the ingredients that make a place create that feeling in you and you will know what you need to add into your apartment, your holiday accommodation, your office etc. to make it feel more homely.

What Is Feeling At Home?

Want to know more? Have a look at my blog.

Nathalie Himmelrich is the founder of 'Reach for the Sky Therapy' on Sydney's Northern Beaches and specialises in 'relationship related issues'. She is working with individuals and couples using techniques ranging from Counselling, Neuro Linguistic Programming to Journey Therapy. She supports clients in their personal growth in a supportive and professional environment.

Visit my website: http://www.reachforthesky.com.au or visit my blog: http://reachforthesky.wordpress.com and sign up for our newsletter today.