A Home Made Hobo Clown Costume For Halloween

Hobo man clowns are categorized under the family of clowns. However, they sustain a special status and can be distinguished by a difference in their clothing, behavior, and locations for performance.

The hobo clown chooses to play a character that has been cast away by society. Different from the typical city derelict, the homeless man clown uses his appearance for entertainment value. He turns to the streets because of the tremendous exposure created by public crowds passing by.


The clowns can be spotted having an overall disheveled look. An old jacket blazer that is covered in mud and dirt stains is common, along with a unique fabric such as pinstripes. An undershirt may be worn but like the slacks, there should be many rips and tears. A toupe with a top hat complete the homeless man clown character, and can be found online.

Personalities of hobo man clowns range from clown to clown. However, common character traits include a pessimistic attitude, lack of social bonds, and often times an inclination not to speak.

While often found by piles of hay, hobo clowns can really occupy any space. Streets corners are preferable home bases because of the amount of street traffic they allow.

Think of being a hobo man clown on your next opportunity for dressing up. It is a great costume that is easy to put together, and by putting a little effort in creativity, you will bring an outfit to the next level. However, when you compiling all components of the costume, don't forget to consider the right headpiece. A toupe and top hat which can be found online will verify that you are in fact a hobo clown.

A Home Made Hobo Clown Costume For Halloween

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